Visual Performance & Oculomotor Mobility Lab

Dr. Miriam Spering

Our Research in the Media

Our 2013 Journal of Neuroscience paper [pdf] on motion prediction deficits in patients with schizophrenia was featured in a UBC press release, a youtube movie and received wide media coverage, for instance, in Biotechnology Focus, Medical News Today, The Province Vancouver, CBC Radio 1 Victoria and CBC Radio 1 Vancouver.

Our 2011 Psychological Science paper [pdf]was featured in "News from the field" in the May 2011 issue of Attention, Perception & Psychophysics [pdf]

The Klaus Tschira Prize is awarded annually in Germany to six science graduate students for successfully communicating their research to the public. Miriam won the award in 2007.

Reseach featured in a German science magazine (sorry, German only...) [pdf]

Radio interview on a German science program (sorry, again only in German)[mp3]

NKI project figure